Guy Magallanes Watercolors

Three Amigos
3 Flamingos and their reflections
from Safari West
I'm planning on simplifying this image a lot!
I'm editing out the reflections of all the green foliage and the upper bank.
This will make the image mostly blue and more tranquil vs chaotic.
We'll still have all the yummy darks and ripples, just not the madness of all the greens and yellows. I've been wanting to paint this for quite some time - can't wait to get started.
Project Oriented Classes
Paint this guided project via YouTube Live.
$100 payable to
Guy Magallanes
620 Taylor Way #2
San Carlos, CA 94070
Flamingos and Reflections
Paint this project at your leisure.
You will receive a dropbox folder containing the photo reference and line drawing for this project.
Everything is recorded for your reference.
We start off the day with a Zoom Class, where you'll have an opportunity to ask questions and for a quick critique.
Then we go to YouTube Live, so you can clearly see what and how I'm painting, answering all of your questions from the zoom class.
Once the class is finished for the day, you'll get a replay of the Zoom Class & YouTube video.
List of Materials:
Half sheet of Arches 300lb cold Pressed Paper.
Colors Needed:
Winsor & Newton
Transparent Yellow
Permanent Rose
Thalo Blue
Brushes Needed:
Loew Cornell Ultra Round Series 7020
12, 6 (at least 3 of the #12 rounds)
Princeton Art & Brush Co. Series 4050 AFW
1 1/2 inch Angled Flat Wash Brush
Scrubber Brush 1/8 Connoisseur Taklon Scrubber 066
Additional Materials Needed:
*Gator Board or other surface to mount wc paper
1" white artists tape
or you can use tape tabs to manipulate the paper I'll show how.
Spray Fixative (Winsor Newton or Krylon)
Spray Water bottle - Spritzer
Incredible White Mask Liquid Frisket by Grafix
Wooden Nib (sharpen a wooden dowel)
Rubber Cement Pick-up Eraser
Mechanical Pencil
Red Ball Point Pen
Graphite paper NO WAX
Kneadable Eraser
Water Container
Palette for Colors or cups, or dishes
Viva Paper Towels